This is the eighth year of SORMAG's Online Book Festival.
I've always wanted to attend the Harlem Book Festival in NY. This is my version of the book festival, only it's all online.
Three days to discuss books, books, and more books. We slide in a little information about writing a book, publishing a book and promoting a book.
If you have never attended an online book festival, let me answer a few questions to help it go smoothly for you.
Question #1: What time is the online book festival? The book festival is 12pm ~ 12 am eastern time every day. There is no set time for the panel discussions inside the group. Pop in anytime after 12 and the panel posts will be there.
This year we will be using Zoom for the live panels and there are set times for these panels. Check the agenda for times.
Question #2: Where is the book festival held? The book festival is held inside the book festival FB group. You can use your phone, tablet or computer to participate. It will also be on the Zoom app. Links for that will be sent at a later date.
Question #3: How do I participate? You can participate in the daily discussions in the group. You can visit the different vendors showcasing their products and services each day. Bring your questions and comments and have fun.
Question #4: How do I participate in a panel?
You have the option to be on two author/reader panels and two live panel discussions. Send your selections, your bio (100 words), headshot and website to 1sormag@gmail.com
Question #5: How can I be a vendor or sponsor the book festival?
Click the vendor or sponsor link at the top of the page.
I recommend, when you join the group, turn on your notifications for the room. That way you don't miss the posts.
The best part of the book festival is the networking, so make time to meet the other participants in the FB Group. There will be networking posts to participate in every day.
If you have more questions, feel free to email me at - 1sormag@gmail.com.
See ya on the net,
LaShanda C. Hoffman